Buchkapitel (13) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Conclusions

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 727-734

  2. Data on the use of sorbents to control pollution in Europe, with main focus on Spain and Galicia

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 15-31

  3. Introduction

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 1-12

  4. Optimal Design of a Railway Bypass at Parga, Northwest of Spain

    Advances on links between mathematics and industry, CTMI 2019 (Springer Suiza), pp. 33-43

  5. Os incendios forestais do cambio global xa están aquí: un desafío e unha ocasión para lograr unha resposta social consensuada

    Unha nova xeración de lumes?: Actas do Coloquio Galaico-Portugués sobre Incendios Forestais (Consello da Cultura Galega), pp. 49-119

  6. Pigs Breeds, Production, Meat Quality and Market: An Overview

    Pork: Meat Quality and Processed Meat Products (CRC Press), pp. 1-32

  7. Políticas para o rural que necesitamos

    Cabreiros, 15 anos de dinamización comunitaria: Olladas e recursos interxeracionais no rural (A Coruña : Andavira, 2021), pp. 45-52

  8. Presentacións

    Andar, camiñar, marchar...: Actas do XV Curso de Primavera, Lugo,10-12 de abril de 2019 (Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico), pp. 9-13

  9. Prólogo

    Despoblación y cambios paisajísticos y ambientales: las Reservas de la Biosfera de la España Atlántica (Editorial de la Universidad de Cantabria), pp. 9-11

  10. Sorbents for antibiotics removal

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 417-433

  11. Sorbents to control soil pollution

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 691-700

  12. Tourism and Gastronomy in Santiago de Compostela (Galiza): A CaseStudy Under Polysystem Perspective in Relationship With Other System Analysis

    Circuits in Motion: Polysystem Theory and the Analysis of Culture (Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), pp. 182-191

  13. Transformative Change in Peri-Urban SEPLS and Green Infrastructure Strategies: An Analysis from the Local to the Regional Scales in Galicia (NW Spain)

    Fostering Transformative Change for Sustainability in the Context of Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS), pp. 133-153