Department: Department of Pedagogy and learning

Faculty: Faculty of Education Sciences

Institute: Institute of Education Science (ICE)

Area: Theory and History of Education

Research group: ESCULCA - Knowledge and educational action

Was part of these groups:


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Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis La formación del profesorado basada en la actuación y/o competencia (P/CBTE) la polémica en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica 1984. Supervised by Dr. José Manuel Touriñán López.

Doctor of Philosophy and Education from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) (1985). University Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), in the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, since 2002; he has six periods of six years for research (last: 2016). Research areas: intercultural education and pedagogy, school and immigration, and service-learning and competences in higher education. Further studies at the University of Cambridge (UK). Researcher and visiting professor at Florida International University, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Johns Hopkins University, University of Southern Mississippi and University of Texas at Brownsville. He has published 42 books and contributed to over one hundred book chapters. He is the author of approximately 200 articles in nationally and internationally refereed journals. Editor of several monographs in scientific journals, including Revista Española de Pedagogía, Frontiers in Education and Education Sciences. Supervisor of 32 doctoral theses and Principal Investigator of 26 national and international research projects. Coordinator of the PAIDEIA Teaching Innovation Group and the Esculca Research Group (Competitive Reference Group in the Galician R+D+I System since 2010), which won the First National Prize for Educational Research in 2007 with the project "Immigrant families in Galicia: the socio-educational dimension of integration", the Third National Prize for Educational Research in 2003 with the project "Immigration in a country of emigrants. The construction of the intercultural school in Galicia " and the María Barbeito Prize for Educational Research in Galicia for the work " The academic performance of pupils with a migrant background in Galicia. An optimisation program for families and schools". Coordinator of the RIES Network, made up of 7 research groups from the Galician University System, and of the Network of Excellence "University, Innovation and Learning in the Knowledge Society" (MINECO), involving 7 Spanish universities. Director of the UNED Associated Centre in A Coruña (1990-1992), Deputy Director General of Universities and Research - Galician Government (1992-1994), Vice-Rector of Teaching (1994-1998), Member of the Galician Education Council (1995-2010), Director of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the USC (1998-2006), President of the Scientific Network SITE (2017-2019) and President of the Organising Committee of the VII National and II International Congress of University Service-Learning (2016) and the XVII National and IX Ibero-American Congress of Pedagogy (2021). Evaluator of various evaluation and accreditation agencies in Spain and abroad (including the National Science Foundation in the USA). He is currently President of the Galician Commission of Reports, Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation (CGIACA-ACSUG) and Director of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of the USC.