Department: Department of History of Art

Faculty: Faculty of Geography and History

Area: Music

Research group: Historical studies on Galician and America music (s. XI-XX)


Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Teatro musical e identidades colectivas en territorio hispano y luso (1750-1814) perspectivas desde lo gallego 2023. Supervised by Dr. Montserrat Capelán.

Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Santiago de Compostela. He obtained a distinction “Cum Laude” and the International Doctorate mention for his thesis on the use of musical theatre as a political and identity tool at the end of the “Ancien Régime”. Previously, Gándara studied the Master's Degree in Valuation, Management and Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Master's Degree in Teaching (both at the University of Vigo). Before, he concluded the Bachelor’s Degree in History of Art (University of Santiago de Compostela), the Bachelor’s Degree in Music (Higher Conservatory of Music of A Coruña) and the Diploma in the same field (Professional Conservatory of Music of Ourense). Gándara worked at the Higher School of Art and Design Pablo Picasso, the Higher Conservatory of Music of Vigo, the Galician Culture Council and the Curros Enríquez Foundation. Currently, he is linked to the Organistrum research group (GI-2025) and the Institute of Humanities (iHUS) of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Furthermore, he has participated in different national and international conferences, as well as done research stays in Madrid (Casa de Velázquez/CSIPM-Autonomous University of Madrid) and Lisbon (CESEM-Nova FCSH). His most relevant papers are published in Revista de Musicología, Quintana and Resonancias.