Research lines
Close Range Photogrammetry. Terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry using UAS/drones.
Coastal and por structures. Gestión portuaria. Planificación y explotación de puertos.
Development of high value added materials and products for road signs
Environmental Remote Sensing. Image processing and analysis of airborne and space-borne sensors.
Heritage and archaeological documentation. Cataloging and inventory.
Hydrodynamics and environmental hydraulics: hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of estuaries and estuaries, environmental status, impact of actions.
I. Hydraulic engineering
II. Transport infrastructures
III. Geomatics
Integrated management of coastal areas: intensification and new uses of the coast, multi-criteria and cost-benefit analysis, big data.
IV.Civil Construction
Marine energies: resource, production and design of converters
Numerical modelling of geotechnical problems
Optimization of road layout and railway lines. Microsimulation in traffic engineering
Scanning, modeling and printing of 3D objects. Digital twins.
Study of deformations. Quality control.
Valorisation of waste and coproducts from the agroindustrial sector in Civil Engineering.