Research lines

  •  Digital marketing:
  •  Economic, financial and fiscal analysis of the SE.
  •  Entrepreneurship in SE.
  •  Human resource management and innovation.
  •  Human resources and sustainability.
  •  Implications of SE for equal opportunities.
  •  Influence and impact of SE in Galicia.
  •  International human resource management: international assignments and expatriation.
  •  International marketing:
  •  Management of equal opportunities: professional development, management of the conciliation of personal, family and work life, equal pay, gender perspective in the design of public policies and business strategies.
  •  Monetization of social value.
  •  Relationships between SE and quality employment / self-employment.
  •  Sales management and direction of sales teams.
  •  Social Responsibility.
  •  Welfare and behavior of human resource in organizations.
  • Line 1. Direction and management of people
  • Line 2. Marketing Management
  • Line 3. Social Economy
  • Lines of research
  • o Influence of new technologies on consumer behavior and the marketing direction of the company.
  • o Influence of new technologies on the supply chain and the collaborative economy.
  • o Influence of personal and cultural values on the strategic direction of the international company and on consumer behavior.
  • o Influence of the company's resources and capabilities on the strategic direction of the international company.
  • o Neuromarketing and experiential marketing.
  • The group's lines of research combine the areas of knowledge of Business Organization and Marketing and Market Research, delving into specific areas of interest and impact on the socio-economic environment, such as innovation, sustainability, and equal opportunities for women and men. . The group's research focuses on aspects that will contribute to the development of priority lines for the transformation of the economic and business fabric, such as the digital, collaborative and international economies. These lines of research are particularly in line with the Sustainable Development Goals most closely related to economic activity, namely SDGs 8, 11 and 5 (promoting sustainable growth and decent work; equity and territorial development; equal opportunities).