Senior university lecturer
Nuevos modelos de cuantificación vectorial basados en el análisis estructural de conjunto de datos 2003
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Supervised Theses (6)
Continual federated machine learning under concept drift 2022
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Indoor positioning for smartphones without infrastructure and user adaptable 2019
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Rodríguez García, Germán
Multi-camera intelligent space for a robust, fast and easy deployment of proactive robots in complex and dynamic environments 2015
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Canedo Rodríguez, Adrián
Development of a general purpose tour-guide robot able to learn routes from people and to adapt and move in unstructured and crowded environments 2014
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Alvarez Santos, Victor
Robots capaces de aprender y adaptarse al entorno a partir de sus propias experiencias 2013
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Quintía Vidal, Pablo
Estrategia de enrutamiento para la maniobra del enlace a un convoy de vehículos en entornos urbanos, robusta a la incertidumbre en los tiempos de recorrido 2012
Universidad de Alcalá
Valdés Villarrubia, Fernando
Theses Committees (7)
Chair of the Committee
Aportaciones del aprendizaje automático a la detección, seguimiento y reconocimiento de personas en robots de servicio 2022Universidad de León
Álvarez Aparicio, Claudia
Secretary of the Committee
New neural networks based on Extreme Learning Machine 2022Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Albtoush, Audi Issa
Secretary of the Committee
Application of machine learning to agricultural soil data 2017Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Secretary of the Committee
Contributions to event-based state estimation for intelligent spaces 2017Universidad de Alcalá
Committee Member
Reinforcement learning in a multi-agent framework for pedestrian simulation 2014Universitat de València
Martínez Gil, Francisco
Committee Member
Perception as stochastic grammar-based sampling on dynamic grahp spaces 2013Universidad de Extremadura
Manso Fernández-Argüelles, Luis Jesús
Committee Member
Estimation of real traffic radiated emissions from electric vehicles in terms of the driving profile using neural networks 2013Universidad de Alcalá
Mohamed Wefky El Hadi Elezzazy, Ahmed