Department: Department of Political Science and Sociology

Faculty: Faculty of Political and Social Sciences

Area: Political and Administrative Science

Research group: Research network on equality, rights and Welfare State


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis El Mainstreaming de género en España Cronología, instrumentos e impacto en las políticas finales 2013. Supervised by Dr. Marta Irene Lois González.

I am Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). I obtained my PhD in Political Science at the USC in 2013, with a thesis regarding the development of gender mainstreaming in Spain that has been awarded, amongst others, with the Prize for the best PhD dissertation of the Spanish Political Science Association (ex-aequo). During my academic career I have taken part in several national and international research teams. Currently I am a member of the Armela Research Network on Equality, social rights and welfare policies. I have been granted competitive PhD (2009-2011) and postdoctoral scholarships (2014-2016), which have given me the opportunity to be visiting researcher at the University of Edinburgh, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Washington State University. I have also collaborated as an external consultant with a variety of institutions, including the European Institute for Gender Equality of the European Commission and the Experts Group on Gender and Universities of the Spanish Ministry of Universities. My main areas of research refer to the implementation of equality policies, the analysis of federalism and territorial dynamics from a gender perspective, the promotion of gender equality in science and research, as well as the radical right and other anti-feminist movements.