Department: Department of Pedagogy and learning

Faculty: Faculty of Education Sciences

Area: Theory and History of Education

Research group: ESCULCA - Knowledge and educational action


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Educación no formal y empleabilidad de la juventud. Algunas evidencias desde el análisis de dos programas 2021. Supervised by Dr. Miguel Anxo Santos Rego.

Ana Vázquez-Rodríguez, PhD in Education (2021) with International Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). Professor of the Pedagogy and Didactics Department (USC) and member of the ESCULCA Research Group (Competitive Reference Group of the Galician R&D&I System) and of the RIES Research Network (Xunta de Galicia). She is the author of the book "Educación en el formal y empleabilidad de la juventud" [Non-Formal Education and Youth Employability] (Síntesis, 2018), of book chapters in relevant national publishers, as well as of publications indexed in impact journals (SJR/JCR) at national and international level. In her academic career, she has participated, as a member of the research and work team, in several competitive projects of the State R&D&I Plan, in two Erasmus + projects, in three contracts with public administration or social entities, and in one of Galician Cooperation for the Development of the Xunta de Galicia. Her main lines of research are: employability, higher education, competencies development, youth, non-formal education and service-learning.