Repensar Portugal a partir das relações com a Galiza

  1. Inês Gusman 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Universidade de Lisboa
Tempo exterior

ISSN: 1579-6582

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: A percepción de Galicia desde Portugal e o mundo lusófono

Issue: 47

Pages: 25-39

Type: Article

More publications in: Tempo exterior


For the narratives that, throughout history, have sought to establish the origin of Portuguese nationality, Galicia has always been an inconvenience. Language does not explain the nation, as it extended beyond the northern border. Territorially, it is difficult to understand the political division between Galicia and the territories to the north of the Douro River, as many characteristics continue. Galicia also complicates the narrative that it was the Atlantic vocation that determined Portuguese individualization. This did not prevent the forging of a national identity based on narratives of uniformity with a strong opposition to the other, Spain. However, the European project has come to change the relationship between the Iberian States. In this current framework of relations, Galicia acquires new meanings, especially relevant to the Northern territories, with whom it shares several cooperation structures. Through a detailed analysis of the current political, economic, and social Galician-Portuguese relations at different scales (from the local to the national) and the associated narratives, we explore the contemporary meanings attributed to Galicia in Portugal. The lack of political and administrative autonomy in the Northern territories, caused by Portuguese centralism, represents various obstacles to taking advantage of the economic and social potential of cross-border relations. The current proximities, like the old ones, necessitate reflection on the future of the functional and symbolic structure of this State.

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