Dende a produción á panificación do trigo galego 'Caaveiro' en cultivo ecolóxico vs. convencional

  1. Mª Ángeles Romero Rodríguez coord.
  2. Santiago Pereira Lorenzo coord.

Publisher: Instituto de Biodiversidade Agraria e Desenvolvimento Rural (IBADER) ; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Year of publication: 2022

Type: Book


In the framework of sustainable production and safe food, this monograph that is the result of a multidisciplinary project involving researchers from different fields of knowledge (Anatomy, Functional Biology, Economics, Sociology and Agricultural Policy, Soil Science, Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Bromatology, Plant Production and Engineering Projects, Food Technology and Zoology). This monography evaluates from the production of Galician native wheat (cv. ‘Caaveiro’), comparing organic farming vs. conventional, to the flour obtained and the baking and control of the final products. In addition, it allows to deepen the knowledge associated with the effect of the farming system at different levels on a subject that is increasingly in demand, such as proximity and ecological products. Based on the results obtained, organic production can be encouraged, since by cultivating cereals in a more sustainable way, it is possible to optimize all the variables that should concern society such as the nutrition, the health, the environment, the economy and the consumption