Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacia y Tecnología Farmacéutica
Capítulos de Libro (10) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a
Biochemistry of Azaspiracid Poisoning Toxins
Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 311-318
Biochemistry of Palitoxins and Ostreocins
Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 95-118
Biochemistry of Palytoxins and Ostreocins
Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 95-118
Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 1-18
Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 1-18
Imprinting Using Smart Polymers
Smart Polymers: Applications in Biotechnology and Biomedicine (CRC Press), pp. 211-245
Marine Toxins Analysis
Handbook of Water Analysis, Second Edition (CRC Press), pp. 135-156
Pharmacology of Yessotoxni
Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 203-209
Pharmacology of yessotoxin
Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 203-209
Platelet genomics and proteomics
Platelets (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 99-116