Book chapters (10) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Biochemistry of Azaspiracid Poisoning Toxins

    Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 311-318

  2. Biochemistry of Palitoxins and Ostreocins

    Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 95-118

  3. Biochemistry of Palytoxins and Ostreocins

    Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 95-118

  4. Gambierol

    Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 1-18

  5. Gambierol

    Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 1-18

  6. Imprinting Using Smart Polymers

    Smart Polymers: Applications in Biotechnology and Biomedicine (CRC Press), pp. 211-245

  7. Marine Toxins Analysis

    Handbook of Water Analysis, Second Edition (CRC Press), pp. 135-156

  8. Pharmacology of Yessotoxni

    Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 203-209

  9. Pharmacology of yessotoxin

    Phycotoxins : chemistry and biochemistry (Blackwell Publishing), pp. 203-209

  10. Platelet genomics and proteomics

    Platelets (Elsevier Inc.), pp. 99-116