Capítulos de libro (10) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A review of the world's soil museums and exhibitions

    Advances in Agronomy (Academic Press Inc.), pp. 277-304

  2. Arqueología ambiental: consiliencia como principio

    Arqueología e interdisciplinariedad: la microhistoria de una revolución en la arqueología española (1970-2020) (Universidad de Barcelona), pp. 289-294

  3. Bioremoval of graffiti in the context of current biocleaning research

    Microorganisms in the Deterioration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Springer International Publishing), pp. 175-197

  4. Conclusions

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 727-734

  5. Data on the use of sorbents to control pollution in Europe, with main focus on Spain and Galicia

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 15-31

  6. Introduction

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 1-12

  7. New perspectives against biodeterioration through public lighting

    Microorganisms in the Deterioration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage (Springer International Publishing), pp. 155-171

  8. Sorbents for antibiotics removal

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 417-433

  9. Sorbents to control soil pollution

    Sorbents Materials for Controlling Environmental Pollution: Current State and Trends (Elsevier), pp. 691-700

  10. Towards the Use of Yellow Clay in Fired Bricks

    Clay and Clay Minerals