Publicaciones (49) Publicaciones de NOELIA MARIA ROMERO CASTRO


  1. Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability

    Contributions to Management Science (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 61-81


  1. ICOs, IEOs and STOs: token sales as innovative formulas for financing start-ups

    Financing startups: understanding strategic risks, funding sources and the impact of emerging technologies (SpringerLink), pp. 117-147

  2. Uncovering complexity in the economic assessment of derogations from the European industrial emissions directive

    Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Vol. 7, Núm. 1

  3. Understanding the Antecedents of Entrepreneurship and Renewable Energies to Promote the Development of Community Renewable Energy in Rural Areas

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 3


  1. Autonomía enerxética local e desenvolvemento rural sustentable: análise da predisposición a participar en comunidades enerxéticas renovables

    Revista galega de economía: Publicación Interdisciplinar da Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais, Vol. 29, Núm. 2, pp. 141-166

  2. Innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge in the business scientific field: Mapping the research front

    Journal of Business Research, Vol. 115, pp. 475-485


  1. Prácticas de buen gobierno y creación de valor: retos para los administradores societarios

    Actores, actuaciones y controles del buen gobierno societario y financiero (Marcial Pons), pp. 291-307


  1. A model of financial analysis at the service of sustainability

    Managing the Business Case for Sustainability: The Integration of Social, Environmental and Economic Performance (Taylor and Francis), pp. 127-145

  2. Contribución de las energías renovables al desarrollo rural sostenible: hacia un modelo teórico

    Xenergal 2017: IV Congreso Galego de Xestión Enerxética. Libro de ponencias

  3. Managing reputational risk through environmental management and reporting: An options theory approach

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 9, Núm. 3


  1. Recent advances in standardizing the reporting of nonfinancial information

    Organizational Change and Global Standardization: Solutions to Standards and Norms Overwhelming Organizations (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 170-185