Fachbereich: Departamento de Química Física

Fakultät: Facultade de Química

Bereich: Physikalische Chemie

Forschungsgruppe: Química teórica e computacional

War teil dieser gruppen:

Email: emilio.nunez@usc.es

Persönliche Website: https://emartineznunez.github.io/

Doktor von der Universidade de Santiago de Compostela mit der Dissertation Estudio teórico de reacciones unimoleculares en fase gas 1999. unter der Leitung von Dr. Saulo A. Vázquez Rodríguez.

BSc in Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, 1994), PhD in Chemistry at USC (1999). Research visits: Varandas (Coimbra, Portugal), Persico (Pisa, Italy), Shalashilin (Leeds, UK) and Hase (Texas Tech, USA). "Ramón y Cajal" researcher from 2001-2006. Appointed "Profesor Titular" in 2007 and Full Professor in 2023. Visiting Professor at University of Leeds (2013) and Université de Lille (2018). My research is focussed on the development of theoretical models to study chemical reactions. See the publications for details. Over the last years I've been involved in the Automated discovery of reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics: https://github.com/emartineznunez/AutoMeKin