Department: Department of History of Art

Faculty: Faculty of Geography and History

Area: History of Art

Research group: Research and Development in Arts and Humanities


Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis El discurso del paisaje. Historia cultural de una estética en galicia 2005. Supervised by Dr. María Luisa Sobrino Manzanares.

Federico López was awarded an “Extraordinary Prize” for his doctoral thesis on Landscape Aesthetics (2005) and is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Art History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). The interdisciplinary and liminal nature of his work on art, thought and landscape is evident in the relationships he has established between Art, Philosophy, History and Geography throughout his career and, more recently, in the research projects he directs. Firstly, the MICINN project (Cod PID2020-112921GB-I00) "Landscapes and architectures of error. Counter-history of landscape in Latin Europe (1945-2020)" (Deparq) of which he is principal investigator (PI), which was awarded in 2021, involving 35 researchers from 4 countries and 7 different disciplines, and whose members include such prominent researchers as the architect Francesco Careri or the philosopher and geographer Jean-Marc Besse. Secondly, the fact of being the Principal Investigator (PI) of the international Yucunet project, involving more than 89 researchers from 12 institutions from 4 countries, which was awarded in 2020 within the H2020 Programme through the KA2 competitive sub-programme for "Cooperation for Innovation" grants (Cod 617486-EPP-1-2020-1-ES -EPPKA2-CBHE-JP; EACEA - EU) and which obtained funding of 873. 154,00 €. The aim of this project has been to create a research network in contemporary art and two parallel master's degrees in art management and contemporary art in Mexico (UADY) and Cuba (ISA). In addition, he has been a member of other 12 research projects on landscape, art and urbanism and has received numerous invitations to participate in master's degrees, seminars and national and international publications. All this has to do with the 6 books published as sole author in publishing houses of international reference (Biblioteca Nueva, Abada, Universidad de Salamanca, Asimétricas). He has also published around a hundred publications, including works in prestigious national and international journals, as well as chapters and books in some of the most highly valued publishers in the CSIC quality indexes (Springer, Longo Editore, Biblioteca Nueva, Abada and Marcial Pons, among others). According to "Google Scholar", in July 2024 these publications had received a total of 724 citations, obtaining an H: 11 index (at the top of the History of Art Area in Spain). For this reason, he has been awarded the 4 consecutive six-year research periods of the CNEAI that he has applied for (2000-2005; 2006-2011; 2012-2017; 2018-2023). His contributions to the promotion of research have a clear and well-defined direction. In this regard, the creation and governance as a guarantor researcher of the IHUS (Institute of Humanities of the University of Santiago de Compostela), the coordination of the Grouped Programme of Research and Management (PAIX) of Humanities and Social Sciences of the USC that precedes it, the implementation and management of projects such as "Yucunet" or "Deparq" and 4 research agreements in landscape, museology and contemporary art with different institutions and more or less large teams of young researchers directed by him, totalling a total of 30.110,66€, and the 10 doctoral theses directed and already defended. Today, he is a director of doctoral theses at the USC and a tutor professor of doctoral theses at the UNAM in Mexico. This teaching and guiding vocation that has led him to be elected as Head of the Department of History of Art at the University of Santiago de Compostela, a position he has held since 23/12/2020 to the present and from which he has promoted the reforms of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree in History of Art at the USC. Finally, it is worth mentioning an editorial work of international reference in the field of Landscape & Aesthetics.