Catedrático de universidade
Publicacións nas que colabora con R. Valin (20)
3-D finite element monte carlo simulations of scaled Si SOI FinFET with different cross sections
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, Núm. 1, pp. 93-100
Influence of textured interfaces in the performance of a-Si:H double-junction solar cell
2014 International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IWCE 2014
Improving subthreshold MSB-EMC simulations by dynamic particle weighting
International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, SISPAD
Nanodevice simulations on CloudStack
Proceedings of the 2013 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2013
Optimisation and parallelisation of a 2D MOSFET multi-subband ensemble Monte Carlo simulator
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Vol. 27, Núm. 4, pp. 483-492
Simulation of a-Si:H dual junction solar cells
Proceedings of the 2013 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2013
3D 'atomistic' simulations of dopant induced variability in nanoscale implant free In 0.75Ga 0.25As MOSFETs
Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 69, pp. 43-49
3D simulations of random dopant induced threshold voltage variability in inversion-mode In0.53Ga0.47As GAA MOSFETs
International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, SISPAD
Cloud computing for teaching and learning MPI with improved network communications
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Performance of the CloudStack KVM pod primary storage under NFS version 3
Proceedings of the 2012 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, ISPA 2012
Two-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of DGSOI MOSFET misalignment
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 59, Núm. 6, pp. 1621-1628
An e-Science infrastructure for nanoeletronic simulations based on grid and cloud technologies
Proceedings of the 8th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE'2011
Implementation of the density gradient quantum corrections for 3-d simulations of multigate nanoscaled transistors
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 30, Núm. 6, pp. 841-851
Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of bulk MOSFETs for the 32 nm-node and beyond
Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 65-66, Núm. 1, pp. 88-93
Parallel performance of the PETSc Krylov methods applied to linear systems of 3D nanodevice simulators
Proceedings of the 8th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE'2011
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo simulation of bulk MOSFETs for the 32nm-node and beyond
2010 Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference, ESSDERC 2010
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo study of device orientation effects in ultra-short channel DGSOI
Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 54, Núm. 2, pp. 131-136
Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of ultra-short DGSOI devices: A multi-subband approach
Proceedings of the 2009 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE'09
The MOSFET virtual organisation: Grid computing for simulation in nanoelectronics
e-Science 2009 - 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science
Using grid infrastructures for a stationary DGSOI Monte Carlo simulation
Proceedings of the 2009 Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE'09