Senior university lecturer
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering
Faculty: Higher Technical Engineering School
Singular centre: Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies Center (CRETUS)
Area: Chemical Engineering
Research group: BIOGROUP Environmental Biotechnology
Email: miguel.mauricio@usc.es
Personal web: https://cretus.usc.es/miguel-mauricio-iglesias/
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Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
Las especialidades temáticas mostradas se han obtenido mediante la aplicación de modelos de inteligencia artificial, obtenidos como resultado del Proyecto Hércules.
I am assistant professor of Chemical engineering at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. By training, I am a Chemical Engineer (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2006) and hold a PhD in Food Technology (Université de Montpellier, 2009). After a 4-year postdoctoral period at the Technical University of Denmark, I joined the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela as a Marie Curie IEF fellow in 2014. My research career has consistently focused on modelling approaches for solving real problems in chemical, process and bioprocess engineering. I strongly believe in the importance of joining modelling and experimentation; models orientate the experimenter and interpret results while experiments are the ultimate test for a model, algorithm or design. A big part of my research deals with the biological production of chemicals from organic waste, relies both on metabolic modelling and experimental fermentation to achieve a viable biorefinery process and, ultimately, a real circular bioeconomy.