Determinación de nuevas especies de odonatos en un bosque húmedo tropical colombianoUn protocolo integrativo enfocado en la conservación de la biodiversidad

  1. Amaya Vallejo, Vanessa
Dirixida por:
  1. Melissa Sánchez Herrera Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)

Ano de defensa: 2021

  1. Olalla Lorenzo Carballa Presidenta
  2. Pablo R. Stevenson Presidente/a

Tipo: Tese


The loss of Biodiversity is one of the most challenging problems in contemporary biology. Although this issue had been addressed for taxa such as birds, amphibians and reptiles inside Neotropical Rainforest before, the Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) remain scarcely known. Accordingly, the main objective of this work is the description of new Odonata species through an Integrative Approach, combining taxonomic, genetic, ecological and phylogenetic data as a way to improve the information available about insect biodiversity. As a starting point, morphologic descriptions for the species of interest were made, focusing on discrete diagnostic characters for larvae and adults collected in field and/or raised in captivity. Those descriptions were reinforced with the creation of molecular barcodes generated through a layered approach using reliable genetic markers, focusing on the establishment of the life-stages correspondences. Additionally, the ecological requirements of the target species were established and finally, the phylogenetic relationships of the new species were proposed. These results will enable further research in the entomology field, focusing on biodiversity conservation approaches enhanced by biomolecular tools.