Synthesis and physical characterizacion of hybrid ionogels of electrochemical interest
- Vallet Moreno, Pablo
- Luis Miguel Varela Cabo Director
- Josefa Salgado Carballo Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Fecha de defensa: 12 de abril de 2024
- Renata Barros da Costa Presidente/a
- Hadrián Montes Campos Secretario
- Rosalía Noguerol Cal Vogal
Tipo: Tese
This thesis is about the experimental characterization of new electrolytes for electrochemical devices for energy storage, particularly, for lithium ion batteries and beyon lithium era. New smart electrolytes based on ionic liquids (ILs) and dopped with electrochemical interest salt and then nanoconfined inside silica matrix to obtain a semisolid, self-standing and handable electrolytic matherial, known as ionogel, keeping the liquid properties desirable for battery electrolytes. The ILs and the ionogels are characterized by means of DSC, TGA, NMR, density, viscosity and electrochemically by different techniques such as BBDS, ionic conductivity, EIS, CV and GCPL.