As costas de Galicia, unha caracterización a múltiples escalas

  1. Alejandro Gómez Pazo
Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura

ISSN: 1697-2694

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 13

Pages: 16-31

Type: Article

More publications in: Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura


Galicia is a region marked by its relationship with the sea. Along its more than 2,000 km of coastline, many coastal typologies give it incredible biodiversity. In this work, we try to synthesize the existing knowledge about the Galician coasts with a vision at multiple scales, from the general one, where the coast is divided into three categories: sedimentary, rocky, and artificial, to another more specific one, where different types are defined in each area according to its origin and evolution. This analysis allowed us to show the great importance of rocky coasts (65 %) and that within them, in the boulder beaches, we can differentiate up to 5 different categories depending on their design and the disposition of the material. It should also be pointed out how the changes in the occupation of the territory in recent decades are marking its possible evolution, as well as the risks for the population and the infrastructures in the context of global change.

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