Estrategia metodológica para la integración de las tic en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje por parte de docentes de la educación superior colombiana

  1. Solano Hernández, Ernesto
Supervised by:
  1. Victoria Irene Marín Juarros Director

Defence university: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 25 April 2023

  1. Jesús María Salinas Ibáñez Chair
  2. Xavier Carrera Ferran Secretary
  3. Beatriz Cebreiro López Committee member

Type: Thesis


The digital competence of teachers has become a current research topic due to its implications in educational innovation and in the improvement of teaching-learning processes in Higher Education Institutions. This doctoral thesis proposes a methodological strategy for the integration of Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching-learning processes and to enhance digital competence in a group of Colombian higher education teachers. The study was carried out at the Institution of the Technological Units of Santander (UTS), Bucaramanga, Colombia. The methodological development was carried out from a mixed approach, with descriptive scope and the concept of design-based research, supported by the concept of instructional design through the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation), for the consolidation of the training proposal. As a result, an institutional training proposal is obtained, consisting of four seminars, proposed to be integrated into the semester planning of the training courses for teacher professionalization in the institution. Course number 2 was carried out in 4 academic semesters in the same number of groups of UTS teachers. The data analysis was carried out after a focus group on each course in question, which made it possible to determine the feasibility of the proposal and its validation was done by analyzing the responses with the Atlas.Ti software. The work carried out confirmed the need to generate new training proposals that allow the improvement of digital competence in the institution's teachers, and even to review the planning and integration within the process of institutional teacher professionalization, offered by the Office of Academic Development to offer different proposals that include in a transversal way the ICT component, which is then integrated by teachers in their practice or teaching process.