Desafios da educação no socioeducativoum estudo dos adolescentes internos no Case Anápolis (GO)

  1. Edmar Camilo Cotrim
Dirixida por:
  1. María del Mar Lorenzo Moledo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 17 de abril de 2023

  1. Ángel García del Dujo Presidente/a
  2. María José Ferraces Otero Secretaria
  3. Jorge Genaro Soto Carballo Vogal
  1. Departamento de Pedagoxía e Didáctica

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 783093 DIALNET


This thesis aims to analyze the type of educational service offered to young people in conflict with the law serving a socio-educational measure of internment in the Socio-Educational Care Center (Case) of Anápolis (GO). For this, a mixed methodological proposal was adopted in order to obtain complementary data, quantitative and qualitative, about the object of study. Thus, bibliographic research was initially developed aiming to situate the legislation aimed at children and adolescents in relation to the criminal legislation for adults, starting from the criminal law and criminology until arriving at the Child and Adolescent Statute. We also sought to learn more about adolescents in general and adolescents in conflict with the law from concepts of psychology, pedagogy, and sociology. A questionnaire was applied to all the inmates of Case, and interviews were held with nine of them. The adolescents were analyzed under four aspects: life history, with biographical data of the youth; school trajectory and relationships with the school, portraying the way the adolescents relate to school; family construction, which seeks to unveil the adolescents' families of origin and their influence on them; and deviant behavior, with information from the adolescents with the criminal and socio-educational world. The data analyzed allowed us to identify that education plays a subordinate role in the context of the socio-educational measures, and that the adolescent inmates do not see themselves as being re-educated, but rather as those who are being punished for mistakes committed against the social order. The study points out five aspects to be worked on: 1) the socio-educational action to turn more effectively to the formal educational process, with more attention to the Individual Plan of Attendance and the training of teachers to work in the socio-educational; 2) the environment of the detention centers to turn more to the socio-educational proposal and overcome the vision that approximates them to an adult prison; 3) develop public policies to support the families of adolescents and other families in situations of social vulnerability in order to prevent deviant behavior; 4) strengthen the bonds between schools and the socio-educational system; 5) deepen studies that analyze the impact of family relationships and affective relationships at school on adolescents' resistance to deviant behavior.