Cara Deum Suboles, Magnum Iouis Incrementumde la IV Ègloga Virgiliana en las Hablas Hispanas

  1. Fernández López, Maria Concepción

ISSN: 1889-1128

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Titel der Ausgabe: Homenaje al profesor José Luis Vidal Pérez

Nummer: 14

Seiten: 229-239

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Liburna

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


In his fourth Eclogue Virgil congratulates Pollio, Consul in the year 40 BC, on the birth of his son, in the midst of the modern times Rome is experiencing. Virgil does so in such lofty terms that the Middle Ages read the passage as a prophecy of Christ. The poet turns the decadence of the age on its head and announces his hopes for a new and better time, ushered in for the benefit of the new–born infant: incrementum. This term, in its expressive grandeur, does not depart from common language, and in fact influences it, as witnessed by popular Romance–language derivates, such as the Galician encrentiño, ‘little child’. This passage, moreover, can be pertinent in the study of Consular and Hispanic chronologies.

Bibliographische Referenzen

  • Abascal, Juan Manuel, “La Era Consular Hispana y el final de la práctica epigráfica pagana”, Lucentum xix–xx, 2000–2001 pp. 269–291.
  • Clausen, Wendell, A Commentary on Virgil “Eclogues” Oxford, Clarendon Press 1994.
  • Corominas, Joan, con la colaboración de José A. Pascual, Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico Madrid, Gredos 1980–1991.
  • Le Men, Janick, Léxico del leonés actual León, Centro de Estudios e Investigación “San Isidoro” 2002–2009.
  • Meyer–Lübke, Wilhelm, Romanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch Heidelberg, Carl Winter 1972.
  • Rochette, Bruno, “Cara deum suboles, magnum Iouis incrementum (Virg. B. iV 49)” Latomus 57, 1998 pp. 417–418.
  • Thesaurus linguae latinae Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 1983.
  • P. Vergili Maronis Opera ed. R. A. B. Mynors, Oxford 1969.
  • Virgile. Bucoliques texto y trad. E. de Saint–Denis, París Belles Lettres 1983.
  • P. Virgilio Marón, Bucólicas. Geórgicas. Apéndice Virgiliano Introducción general J. L. Vidal, tradd. T. de la A. Recio–A. Soler, Madrid Biblioteca Clásica 141 Gredos 1990.