Fragas do Eume, 25 años de un parque natural sin plan de gestiónUn estudio crítico desde la ecología política de la conservación
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1132-1202
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 33
Pages: 1-20
Type: Article
More publications in: Polígonos: Revista de geografía
Protected areas (PA) commercialise a specific territory, in which some values and elements acquire a symbolic dimension. Under this perspective, disciplines such as critical geography or political ecology postulate the need to evaluate how the generic idea of conservation is based in the areas reconfigured as PA. This research consists of an exploration Fragas do Eume rainforest, an allegorical area in Galicia whose protection has been motivated mainly by the pressure of environmentalists. Using a mixed qualitative-quantitative method, we review three rhetorical issues around the conservation of the valley: land use planning, depopulation and tourism. The results reveal diverging views around conservation. Also, it is noted an extended feeling of uncertainty and abandonment that degrades, in the eyes of local stakeholders, the conservation of the fragas. Finally, it is concluded that the consensual approval and subsequent execution of a management plan may lead to a new scenario that is capable of managing the generational transition in land ownership, among other relevant issues.
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