El CSIC y las ciencias agrariasinvestigación y presencia en redes sociales

  1. Ana Bellón Rodríguez 1
  2. José Sixto García 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación
Mol: boletín de la Sociedad de Ciencias de Galicia

ISSN: 1133-3669

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Nummer: 18

Seiten: 73-93

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Mol: boletín de la Sociedad de Ciencias de Galicia


The Spanish National Research Council, the largest public research organization in Spain, is defined, fundamentally, by being present through its centers and research institutes in all the Autonomous Communities and by covering all fields of knowledge. Its activity, which ranges from basic research to technological development, is organized around eight scientific-technical areas: Humanities and Social Sciences, Biology and Biomedicine, Natural Resources, Agricultural Sciences, Physical Sciences and Technologies, Materials Science and Technolog, Science and Technology of Food and Science and Chemical Technologies. In the first part, we present the labour of the CSIC in the area of Agricultural Sciences. For this, a documentation and synthesis work is undertaken through the annual report of the organization and its institu- tional web pages. Of the 120 centers or institutes of the CSIC, 16 are assigned only to this area and seven, due to their multidisciplinary nature, form part of this and other areas. Agricultural Sciences has 206 research groups, which in 2017 published 1.235 articles indexed and wor- ked on 366 projects and actions. In a second part, an exploratory-descriptive study is carried out of the presence of these 23 centers and institutes, through their own spaces, in six social networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+ and Linkedin). The results reveal that most centers and institutes are committed to being on social networks, highlighting the use of Twitter and Facebook. This presence in social networks, should be qualified, is complemen- ted with own spaces under the acronym CSIC or their corresponding Institutional Delegations in the Autonomous Communities where the centers and institutes of Agricultural Sciences are located. In the case of Facebook, we compare the number of followers and the last publica- tion, while on Twitter we compare the date of irruption in that social network, the number of followers, the accounts that follow, the tweets they published and the date of publication of the last