Sustainable Coastal CommunitiesUn caso de estudo en Galicia

  1. Lois González, Rubén Camilo
  2. Piñeiro Antelo, María Angeles
AGALI journal: journal of social sciences and humanities

ISSN: 2444-2445 2253-9042

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 2

Issue: 2

Pages: 1-8

Type: Article

More publications in: AGALI journal: journal of social sciences and humanities


In Galicia a large part of the population and economic activity is to be found along the coast, where the most important urban and metropolitan areas of the region are located. Fishing is the driving force for economic development in coastal Galicia. In these communities modern craft production systems coexist with other more modern systems, and some models of cooperative resource management are developed, accounting for sustainable development and environmental conservation in these areas. Some of these examples, as that unfolded in the Fishermen's Association of Lira, will be dealt with in detail in the text. During the last few decades innovative experiences have been launched, founded in small ports, which are often transmitted and disseminated as the best practice for other Galician and Spanish territories, and allow Galicia to remain at the head of the Spanish regions because of its fishing importance.

Bibliographic References

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