Complejos metalosupramoleculares de Cu(I), Ag(I), Au(I), Pd(II) y Pt(II)síntesis, caracterización estructural y propiedades biológicas

  1. González Barcia, Luis MIguel
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel R. Bermejo Patiño Director
  2. Ana María González Noya Co-director
  3. Rosa Pedrido Castiñeiras Co-director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 20 December 2019

  1. Javier García Tojal Chair
  2. M. Angeles Sanchez Gonzalez Secretary
  3. M. Emilia Bertolo Pardo Committee member
  1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Type: Thesis


In this thesis, metallosupramolecular compounds of Cu(I), Ag(I), Au(I), Pd(II) and Pt(II) have been developed from functionalized ligands with phosphines (Schiff bases, thiosemicarbazones and semicarbazones) which have allowed us to obtain valuable information for the comprehension of self-assembly processes in that kind of systems. In particular, the desulfurization process of a double cluster helicate derived from Ag(I) and thiosemicarbazone has been studied in detail. The great relevance of some of these metal ions at the biological level has allowed a preliminary evaluation of the potential complexes applications as possible metallodrugs.