Bifidogenic effect and stimulation of short chain fatty acid production in human faecal slurry cultures by oligosaccharides derived from lactose and lactulose

  1. Cardelle-Cobas, A.
  2. Fernández, M.
  3. Salazar, N.
  4. Martínez-Villaluenga, C.
  5. Villamiel, M.
  6. Ruas-Madiedo, P.
  7. De Los Reyes-Gavilán, C.G.
Journal of Dairy Research

ISSN: 0022-0299 1469-7629

Ano de publicación: 2009

Volume: 76

Número: 3

Páxinas: 317-325

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1017/S0022029909004063 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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