La cantiga de maldecir como modelo de cantar injurioso y la duplicidad satírica de la lírica gallegoportuguesa

  1. Santiago Gutiérrez García
Bulletin of Hispanic studies ( Liverpool. 2002 )

ISSN: 1475-3839 1478-3398

Año de publicación: 2013

Volumen: 90

Número: 7

Páginas: 771-788

Tipo: Artículo


Otras publicaciones en: Bulletin of Hispanic studies ( Liverpool. 2002 )


Studies of the two Galician-Portuguese satirical genres, the cantigas de escarnio and the cantigas de maldizer, were usually based on indications offered by the poetic treatise known as the Arte de trovar. According to this fragmentary work, both genres differ from each other in that the cantigas de escarnio are distinguished by the use of aequivocatio (equivocation); and the cantigas de maldizer by direct satire without double meaning. However, the Arte de trovar is a late work, distant, in some respects, from the poetic reality it describes, so that its prescriptions should not be accepted without question. The present article studies the indications in this poetic treatise relating to the satirical genres and postulates that their distinctions, based on the use of aequivocatio, were late emerging and conditioned by the interpretations made in the lyric texts themselves