La diversidad cultural a través de la Redel caso del cine identitario
ISSN: 1134-3478
Ano de publicación: 2013
Título do exemplar: Jóvenes interactivos
Número: 40
Páxinas: 183-191
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación
The research «Cinema, Diversity and Networks» tries to isolate the principal stimuli or reticences in the consumption of products generated by small cinematographies, analyzing the particular case of the diffusion through the digital interactive networks of cinematographic contents produced in Galicia. It is a multicentral investigation with the collaboration of the universities of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay � the countries with a significant migratory Galician presence, with special focus on the university groups of reception for their special predisposition to the media intercultural consumption. Our work addresses a statistical determination of the social-demographic and axiologic profile as well as the habits of consumption of the participant groups as an introduction to the confrontation with some representative films produced in Galicia between 2003 and 2008 in order to establish the influence of certain thematic, formal and linguistic variables in the acceptance or objection to certain messages. The study can be identified with the models of basic and applied investigation: basic, for its analysis of the cultural determinant indicators of the cinematographic consumption in communities, which although geographically dispersed preserve their identity elements such as the language; and applied, as our investigation provides a transfer of knowledge to their technological partners in addition to the opening of unexplored niches of transnational consumption through the potential that the digital networks offer nowadays.
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