Los nuevos aprendices del gallego. Articulando materiales para el empoderamiento lingüístico y la inclusión educativa

  1. Lorenzo Moledo, María del Mar
  2. Santos Rego, Miguel Anxo
  3. Samartino López, Elena
SL&i en red: Segundas Lenguas e Inmigración en red

ISSN: 1989-1954

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 4

Pages: 106-123

Type: Article

More publications in: SL&i en red: Segundas Lenguas e Inmigración en red


Even though the growth of immigration in Galicia has not been as impressive as in other parts of Spain, it has had an important influence on schools. It has affected the organization, methodology and curriculum of the schools. This influence can be felt in the case of management teams and, above all, teachers who try to face this new challenge in their career. In this situation, there are changes in communication and learning patterns inside and outside the classroom. These situations of contact between first and second languages affects students with different cultural backgrounds in their tasks and learning goals at the cognitive, affective and motivational levels. In this article we review some indicators in educational services available to immigrant students in Galicia. Then we describe a project in a school in the area of �mariña lucense�. The teaching units in this project integrate curricular learning and language learning so that students from CapeVerde can make progress in a balanced way regarding attitudes, procedures and content. A task based communicative approach is shared by both types of learning..