Evaluación del profesorado universitario para incentivos individualesrevisión metaevaluativa

  1. Escudero Escorza, Tomás
  2. Pino Mejías, José Luis
  3. Rodríguez Fernández, Celso
Revista de educación

ISSN: 0034-8082

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: La transición a la vida activa

Issue: 351

Pages: 513-537

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de educación


Academical, socio-political and economical reasons, and competence among institutions have converted institutional quality, its assurance and enhancement, in a permanent issue of interest and concern for academical and political authorities and managers of educational systems and, particularly, of universities and higher education systems. Teacher merit pay is a mechanism used to manage quality and its improvement in a fair and effective way. This article offers an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the procedure, as well as the synthesis of a metaevaluative revision of the evaluation for teacher individual incentives, promoted by autonomous goverments, that have been generalized in Spanish universities in the last six-eight years. This period of application, in spite of the great diversity among autonomous communities and universities, seems a sufficient period of time to carry on a metaevaluation of the process and its impact and, as much as possible, to offer potential improvement actions. This metaevaluation, an external revision study with several sources and methods and formative orientation, synthesize the situation of the applied models in different autonomous communities, their strengths and weaknesses, their impact on teachers and universities, the evaluation that different implicated sectors made and the change proposals that are suggested. The article conclude with a synthesis of the most relevant results, and a set of suggestions to modify the models and procedures of evaluation, in order to get the foresight goals of improvement in the acomplishment of their functions in teachers and universities.

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