Orientación al mercado, rendimiento empresarial y resultado exportador

  1. Varela González, José Antonio
  2. Río Araújo, María Luisa del
Mediterráneo económico
  1. Yagüe Guillén, María Jesús (coord.)

ISSN: 1698-3726

Year of publication: 2007

Issue Title: Nuevos enfoques del marketing y la creación de valor

Issue: 11

Pages: 79-112

Type: Article

More publications in: Mediterráneo económico


According with marketing literature, the market orientation constitutes the angular rock where the businesses performance should be based on. Its importance comes from its capacity to provide a major satisfaction to the consumers and improve the businesses' task. In the latest 15 years, the empiric study about market orientation (MO) has increased in USA as well as in the European Union. Many of them have analyzed the relationship between the business MO degree and its results in the domestic market. On the contrary, there have not been many of those who analyzed the effects of the MO in the results obtained from the outsider, for which some of them have used a derivate system, the orientation towards the export market (OEM). The current work presents the main features of the construct MO, synthesizing the contributions and the most relevant results from a business level relative to their antecedents and their consequences.