Aspectos ingenieriles y técnicos de la construcción de la línea ferroviaria de mercancías de altas prestaciones en Extremadura y su efecto en la competitividad económica extremeña

  1. Coloma Miró, Juan Francisco
Dirixida por:
  1. Antonio Díaz Parralejo Director
  2. Montaña Jiménez Espada Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 28 de maio de 2015

  1. Eduardo Martínez Marín Presidente/a
  2. Juan José Tejado Ramos Secretario/a
  3. Alberte Castro Ponte Vogal
  4. Eladio Pascual Pedreño Vogal
  5. Santiago Hernández Fernández Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 384165 DIALNET


To optimize the transfer of goods from the port of Sines to Europe will require Extremadura possesses a freight rail infrastructure to permit the movement of high performance railways. Given this situation, it is proposed to conduct a comprehensive study of the current situation of Extremadura rail network , which to plan one hand, the actions necessary to convert this network in a railway freight high performance , and secondly, quantify and schedule in time, the investments by the administration, they can be required to perform. In parallel we want to conduct an economic study to first assess the contribution of the infrastructure of rail freight corridor high performance in the construction phase to production and regional employment. Later this study will be completed with the assessment of the effects that could induce the coming into operation of this new infrastructure on competitiveness, productivity and employment in the community of Extremadura. The study is completed by an environmental analysis where CO2 emissions are modeled and quantified cost savings that reducing emissions produced.