Publications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Zaragoza (54)


  1. Recuperación del transporte de sedimento tras el derribo de una presa

    Jornadas de Morfodinámica Fluvial y Observatorio de Sedimentos en Ríos (1. 2023. Zaragoza): Libro de resúmenes


  1. An index to assess the extent and success of river and floodplain restoration: Recognising dynamic response trajectories and applying a process-based approach to managing river recovery

    River Research and Applications

  2. Dendro-anthracological tools applied to Scots type pine forests exploitation as fuel during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the southern central pre-Pyrenees (Spain)

    Quaternary International, Vol. 593-594, pp. 332-345

  3. Escribir para gobernar: los tres Libros de constituciones medievales de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela

    Hispania sacra, Vol. 73, Núm. 148, pp. 339-350

  4. Geomorphological evolution of ephemeral rivers through historical and UAVs images

    EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021

  5. La escritura mixta francesa en Santiago de Compostela: evolución, usos y características

    Anuario de estudios medievales, Vol. 51, Núm. 2, pp. 533-562

  6. Promoting fluvial geomorphology to “live with rivers” in the Anthropocene Era

    Geomorphology, Vol. 380

  7. Reply to comment on “Promoting fluvial geomorphology to ‘live with rivers’ in the Anthropocene era” ( García et al., 2021) by D. Rosgen (2021)


  8. Sediment displacement evolution after dam removal in a mountain river (Oioki dam, Leitzaran River)

    EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021

  9. Updated knowledge on floods and risk management in the Middle Ebro River: The “Anthropocene” context and river resilience

    Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters, Vol. 47, Núm. 1, pp. 73-94