Department of English and German Philology
Universidad de Extremadura
Badajoz, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Extremadura (6)
"Promising her return, she mumbled her adoration": attitudinal discourse presentation structures in the British sentimental novel
45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres
Another turn of the screw on the history of the reaction object construction
Functions of Language, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, pp. 208-231
The British Sentimental Novel Corpus (BSNC) and the ROC-DDC alternation at the level of the individual
NJES Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol. 20, Núm. 1, pp. 215-257