Department of English and German Philology
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Christine Möhrs (4)
A Corpus-Based Lexical Resource of Spoken German in Interaction
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference. 1-3 October 2019, Sintra, Portugal
Herausforderungen eines innovativen lexikografischen Projekts zu Besonderheiten des gesprochenen Deutsch in der Interaktion
Germanistik im Umbruch: Linguistik, Übersetzung und DaF (Frank & Timme), pp. 13-25
Die Entwicklung einer lexikografischen Ressource im Rahmen des Projektes LeGeDe
Sprachreport, Vol. 33
LeGeDe – Towards a Corpus-based Lexical Resource of Spoken German
Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference