José Manuel
Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet José Manuel Estévez-Saá (14)
Music 'by sea's edge': The Ethics and Aesthetics of Liminality in Bernard MacLaverty's Grace Notes
Words and Music in Irish Literature (Francis Boutle), pp. 52-66
The lost female tradition II: predecessors, contemporaries and successors of James Joyce in irish writing
Hopes and fears: English and American studies in Spain
Nuevas "literaturas‟ de la inmigración: identidad e intercambio cultural en los albores del siglo XXI
At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain
The lost female tradition: predecessors, contemporaries and successors of James Joyce in irish writing
At a time of crisis: English and American studies in Spain
"Grace notes" by Bernard MacLaverty: music as emotion beyond words
Music in modern Irish literature (Netbiblo), pp. 45-56
Subversive life accounts by women
Actas del XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos
The female body inscribed: gender and genre issues
New perspectives on English studies
Gender and genre issues in short stories written by women: [mesa redonda]
Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference: [electronic resource]
The Irish short story in the twenty-first century: recent contributions and new critical perspectives : [mesa redonda]
Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference: [electronic resource]
Ireland and the Irish seen from Galicia
The representation of Ireland/s: images from outside and from within (Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, PPU), pp. 347-358
Cultura de supervivencia Vs. cultura de progreso: una aproximación antropológico-literaria a la trilogía Into their labours de John Berger
Cultura de supervivencia Vs. cultura de progreso: una aproximación antropológico-literaria a la trilogía Into their labours de John Berger