Department: Department of Geography

Faculty: Faculty of Geography and History

Area: Physical Geography

Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Relación entre la salud humana y el ambiente térmico en las principales ciudades de Galicia 2015. Supervised by Dr. Margarita Taracido Trunk, Dr. Alberto Martí Ezpeleta.

I am a climate scientist and actually, I am post-doctoral fellow at the University of Santiago de Compostela. I am originally from Grevenbroich, near by Cologne, in Germany. I graduated in Geography and Hispanic Philology at the University of Cologne and RWTH-Aachen University in 2010. I came to Santiago de Compostela, in northwest Spain, and made my Ph.D. in 2015 about the relationship between health and weather at the same University. The main lines of research are, on the one hand, biometeorology and geographies of health, the relationship between human health and the atmospheric environment, and on the other hand, applied physical geography with a focus on atmospheric variables and their spatio-temporal behaviors. I am an enthusiastic R user, with a lot of curiosity for spatial analysis, data visualizations, management and manipulation, and GIS. I am a member of the Public Health Research Group at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In addition, I am a close collaborator of two other research groups, Geobiomet at the University of Cantabria and Climatology Group at the University of Barcelona. Since 2019 I am a member of the MCC Collaborative Research Network, an international research program on the associations between environmental stressors, climate, and health. Feel free to contact me. Research Group PublicHealth: Multi-City Multi-Country (MCC) network: Email: Twitter: @dr_xeo