Profesor axudante doutor
Publikationen (40) Publikationen von IVAN LOPEZ MOREIRA
Non-linear turbine selection for an OWC wave energy converter
Ocean Engineering, Vol. 311
A methodology for cost-effective analysis of hydrokinetic energy projects
Energy, Vol. 282
A new resource index for tidal stream farm sitting in estuarine areas
2023 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2023
Improvements in the design of nest cavities to attract cephalopods and crustaceans in a green artificial reef unit according to tridimensional hydrodynamic criteria – Application to the Ares-Betanzos estuary
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 245
Multi-criteria analysis for the determination of the best locations for the wave energy exploitation in the Ria of Pontevedra
2023 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP 2023
Pyrites in a salt marsh-ria system: Quantification, morphology, and mobilization
Marine Geology, Vol. 455
A holistic methodology for hydrokinetic energy site selection
Applied Energy, Vol. 317
Application of Marine Spatial Planning tools for tidal stream farm micro-siting
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 220
Effects of Tidal Stream Energy Exploitation on Estuarine Circulation and Its Seasonal Variability
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Núm. 10
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Velocity Field Inside an Artificial Reef. Application to the Ares-Betanzos Estuary
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Núm. 12
Proposed Conceptual Framework to Design Artificial Reefs Based on Particular Ecosystem Ecology Traits
Biology, Vol. 11, Núm. 5
Tidal stream energy potential in the Shannon Estuary
Renewable Energy, Vol. 185, pp. 61-74
Configuration methodology for a green variety reef system (AR group) based on hydrodynamic criteria – Application to the Ría de Ares-Betanzos
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 252
Design selection and geometry in owc wave energy converters for performance
Energies, Vol. 14, Núm. 6
Hydrokinetic energy production in shallow estuaries: Miño estuary, nw Spain
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Impact of serpentinized peridotite mine waste on the composition and quality of sediments in the Ría de Ortigueira (Galicia, NW Spain)
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 163
Power performance assessment of vertical-axis tidal turbines using an experimental test rig
Energies, Vol. 14, Núm. 20
Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering
Aplicación de las metodologías de Dirección de Proyectos a proyectos de I+D+i colaborativo: Dirección del proyecto PORTOS
Comunicaciones presentadas al XXIV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: celebrado en Alcoy del 7 al 9 de julio de 2020
Intra-annual variability in the performance of an oscillating water column wave energy converter
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 207