Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Juan Antonio Delgado Iniesta (4)


  1. Introduction

    Fauna ibérica, vol. 44: coleóptera: hydraenidae (CONSEJO SUPERIOR INVESTIGACIONES CIENT, CSIC), pp. 11-516


  1. Hydraenidae Mulsant, 1844

    Volume 1: Morphology and Systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga partim) (De Gruyter Mouton), pp. 224-250


  1. Staphylinoidea Latreille, 1802

    Volume 1: Morphology and Systematics (Archostemata, Adephaga, Myxophaga, Polyphaga partim) (Walter de Gruyter GmbH and Co. KG), pp. 223-344