Post-doctoral hired researcher
Department: Department of History
Faculty: Faculty of Geography and History
Area: Medieval History
Research group: Discourse and identity. A Multicisciplinary RG for the Study of Language, Literature & Culture in English
Email: abel.lorenzo.rodriguez@usc.es
Personal web: https://usc-es.academia.edu/AbelLorenzoRodriguez
Doctor by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis Horcas y azotes categorías sociales y genealogía del castigo corporal en el noroeste ibérico en la alta Edad Media (ca.700-1200) 2023. Supervised by Dr. Ermelindo Portela Silva, Dr. Israel Sanmartín Barros.
Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Project: "E-motion. Dynamics of Exile and Forced Displacement (Galicia, Iberia and Europe, (Eighth to Twelfth Centuries)" July 2024-