Publications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Salamanca (27)


  1. Aerial Archaeology in Segisamo. Disentangling the Roman conquest of the Duero valley and the foundation of a new city

    Archeologia Aerea. Studi di Aerotopografia Archeologica, Vol. 16, pp. 42-54

  2. Entre valados e piñeirais. Achegas arqueolóxicas ao coñecemento da presenza militar romana na Galicia nororiental

    CROA: boletín da Asociación de Amigos do Museo do Castro de Viladonga, Núm. 33, pp. 52-67

  3. Human evolution in your hands. Inclusive education with 3D-printed TYPHLOLOGICAL replicas

    Journal of Biological Education, Vol. 57, Núm. 2, pp. 295-307

  4. Reassessing Roman military activity through an interdisciplinary approach: Myth and archaeology in Laboreiro Mountain (Northwestern Iberia)

    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 49

  5. Reconstructing the Construction Process in Hispania: Epigraphy as a Source

    From Concept to Monument: Time and Costs of Construction in the Ancient World Papers in Honour of Janet DeLaine (Archaeopress), pp. 43-60


  1. A construcción da fin do mundo

    Galicia, un relato no mundo (Xunta de Galicia), pp. 140-147

  2. La presencia militar romana en el noroeste ibérico hacia el cambio de era: estado actual y retos de futuro

    Accampamenti, guarnigioni e assedi durante la Seconda Guerra Punica e la conquista romana (secoli III-I a.C.): prospettive archeologiche (Quasar), pp. 127-138