Comparison of Clustering Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery in Social Media PublicationsA Case Study of Mental Health Analysis

  1. Couto, Manuel
  2. Parapar, Javier
  3. Losada, David E.
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural

ISSN: 1135-5948

Ano de publicación: 2024

Número: 73

Páxinas: 69-81

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural


In the age of social media, user-generated content is critical for detecting early signs of mental disorders. In this study, we use thematic clustering to analyze the content of the social media platform Reddit. Our primary goal is to use clustering techniques for comprehensive topic discovery, with a focus on identifying common themes among user groups suffering from mental illnesses such as depression, anorexia, gambling addiction, and self-harm. Our findings show that certain clusters are more cohesive, e.g., with a higher proportion of texts indicating depression. Furthermore, we discovered subreddits that are strongly linked to texts from the depressed user group. These findings shed light on how online interactions and subreddit themes may impact users’ mental health, paving the way for future research and more targeted interventions in the field of online mental health.

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