Diálogo entre las formas. La ética del espacio y el tiempo

  1. Rabe, Ana María 1
  1. 1 Universität Hildesheim / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
Escritura e imagen

ISSN: 1885-5687

Ano de publicación: 2014

Título do exemplar: Eduardo Chillida

Número: 10

Páxinas: 135-153

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.5209/REV_ESIM.2014.46924 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Escritura e imagen


Eduardo Chillida’s Monument to Tolerance, inaugurated in 1992 in Seville, was erected in remembrance of the Jews expelled from Spain 500 years ago. The public sculpture, located at the Muelle de la Sal, isn’t, however, a commemorative monument in a traditional sense. Although the tremendous historical event represents the motive of this artwork, its installation was arranged thus that it would turn its back to the Castle of Saint George, a building of the inquisition, where the last autos de fe of Seville were carried out. More than recalling the violence and suffering, that human beings had experienced in the past, the sculpture wants to give place and encourage, in the present, to understand and experience tolerance, whose repression had been, precisely, the cause of the expulsion. With its dynamic play between the forms, that emerges when one goes around and observes the sculpture in a constant movement, the Monument to Tolerance shows the possibilities and dimensions that dialogue openes up. Starting from the experience offered by Chillida’s artwork, the present study investigates sense and meaning of dialogue, of limit –which will be analyzed by means of the concept developed by Wittgenstein–, and of horizon, which will be altogether related to the idea and experience of tolerance.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Benjamin, W. Gesammelte Schriften, vol. II, nº 2, editado por Tiedemann, Rolf y Schweppenhäuser, Hermann, Fráncfort del Meno, Suhrkamp, 1991
  • Bergson, H., La pensée et le mouvant: essais et conférences, París, Presses Univ. de France,2006 (15ª ed.), trad. de la cita: A.M.R.
  • Chillida, E., Escritos, Madrid, La Fábrica, 2005.
  • Chillida, E., Preguntas. Discurso del académico honorario electo excmo. Sr. D. Eduardo Chillida. Leído en el acto de su recepción pública el día 20 de marzo de 1994. Donostia-San Sebastián, Artes Gráficas Lorea, 2004.
  • Chillida, E., Schriften, Dusseldorf, Richter.
  • Chillida, S. (ed.),cien palabras para Chillida. Homenaje X Aniversario”, San Sebastián,Fundación Eduardo Chillida-Pilar Belzunce, 2012.
  • Rabe, A. M., DasNetz der Welt. Ein philosophischer Essay zum Raum von Las Meninas, Múnich / Paderborn,Wilhelm Fink, 2008.
  • Schmidt, S. M., Eduardo Chillida. Die Monumente im öffentlichen Raum,Mainz / Múnich, Chorus, 2000.
  • Wittgenstein, L., Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Werkausgabe 1. Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Tagebücher 1914-1916. Philosophische Untersuchungen, Fráncfort del Meno,Suhrkamp, 1984.