Tu casa no es mi casacaracterizando dos formas de organización social en la Segunda Edad del Hierro del Noroeste Ibérico, España (IV-I a.C.). Una aproximación desde el registro doméstico
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 0327-5159, 1853-8126
Datum der Publikation: 2023
Ausgabe: 29
Nummer: 1
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Arqueología
The following paper presents an approach to the social aspects of the Iron Age in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula through the study of their households. An archaeological review of strategies for structuring the domestic space is proposed, to analyze the social dynamics in which it is embedded. An analysis of different characteristics of domestic spaces is proposed, exploring a social analysis based on the study of household and kinship relations, studying their internal structure, morphology, the archaeological record, or integration in the constructive planning of the settlement. According to the current state of NW Iberia Iron Age research, these data were used to assess the existence of two apparently different social dynamics identified in the study area. Therefore, results are presented according to these two areas, to verify the extent to which they are reflected in the structuring of the domestic space. Finally, the results are synthesized, to define some of the main characteristics of each domestic space, as well as to assess its value as a representative element of the social dynamics of the territory.
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