La dimensión política del envejecimiento activopersonas mayores y participación política
- Serafín González Quinzán
- Diego Mo Groba
- Paloma Castro Martínez
ISSN: 1696-7348
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 92
Pages: 87-105
Type: Article
More publications in: Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales
The participation of the elderly in society is considered one of the central dimensions of the so-called Active Aging. This research aims to analyze the political participation –conventional and unconventional– of the elderly in Spain, setting the objective of knowing if their age, as an explanatory factor, is directly related to participating more or less, as well as knowing what other factors they can be extracted as limiters or modifiers of said participation. For this, a total of three logistic regression models were carried out for each of the three dependent variables, relative to the dimensions of political participation, in order to know which variables act and what effect they produce on one's age. The main conclusions allow us to affirm that older people are moving away from non-institutionalized modes of participation and that the variables of political content are the ones that limit the effect of their own age on political participation to a greater extent.
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