EANM position paper: theranostics in brain tumours—the present and the future
- Tolboom, N.
- Verger, A.
- Albert, N.L.
- Brendel, M.
- Cecchin, D.
- Fernandez, P.A.
- Fraioli, F.
- Guedj, E.
- Herrmann, K.
- Traub-Weidinger, T.
- Morbelli, S.
- Yakushev, I.
- Zucchetta, P.
- Barthel, H.
- Van Weehaeghe, D.
ISSN: 1619-7089, 1619-7070
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 51
Issue: 1
Pages: 202-205
Type: Editorial