Turning biowaste into biomaterials and bio-active productsa domain of circular economy

  1. Arias Calvo, Ana
Supervised by:
  1. María Teresa Moreira Vilar Director
  2. Gumersindo Feijoo Costa Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 17 July 2023

  1. Maria Paula Baptista da Costa Antunes Chair
  2. John Alexander Posada Duque Secretary
  3. Patrizia Ghisellini Committee member
  1. Department of Chemical Engineering

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 818368 DIALNET


The increase in the world's population is a challenge for primary and secondary producers and major industrial companies to meet the demands of consumers for goods and services. However, this high demand goes hand in hand with an excessive consumption of resources, mainly non-renewable fossil resources not only in energy production processes, but also as raw materials in the manufacture of a wide variety of products. In this context, the search for biologically based resources, of a renewable nature and with lower associated environmental impacts, is a high potential strategy. Forest resources and non-usable flows from the agri-food sector have become key elements in the search for sustainability and circularity in the use of resources. For this reason, within the framework of this doctoral thesis, the development of biotechnological processes based on the use of non-usable resources derived from timber exploitation activities and the agri-food sector is proposed. Biotechnological production strategies for the valorization of resources in high added value products will be evaluated through circularity, sustainability and life cycle analysis methodologies to study their main advantages and impacts.